Dear Parents,
The churches in Maryland, Virginia and DC are sponsoring a weekend gospel camp for our 6th graders. The camp will be held at Camp Wabanna in Edgewater, Maryland, from May 10-12, 2024. The purpose of the Gospel Camp is to provide a landmark experience of life for our children in a natural setting far away from the distractions of this age. We will share with them messages about 1) the condition of fallen men, 2) their need to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and 3) the assurance of their salvation and the need for baptism. We understand that some may already have received the Lord. For those not saved, our goal is that they would be saved and baptized before going into junior high or middle school. For those already saved, we want to provide a definite point in their lives when they are assured of their salvation, thus strengthening their walk with the Lord. We want those already saved to be as fresh and up-to-date with the Lord as the newly saved ones. This will allow them to rebuff the enemy’s attacks when the accuser of the brethren seeks to deny their salvation later on. We trust that the Gospel Camp will provide them this opportunity to make a decision to gain the Lord and to obtain or strengthen the seed of eternal life in their, being based on a personal revelation.
Our young people today face so many distractions that they need to put on the “whole armor of God” and “come to the full knowledge of God.” We feel that receiving the Lord, and being baptized at this point of their life, offers them the best opportunity and position to enjoy the Body Life before peer pressure and other distractions of the teenage years intervene in their lives. Our meeting on the Lord’s Day will only introduce the need for baptism to them. We recommend that serving ones follow this up with the children and promptly arrange the time for each child to take this step after the camp.
Camp Wabanna is a Christian camp located at the confluence of the Rhode River and the Chesapeake Bay. The Camp’s web page is . Children and adults will stay in lodges with bunk beds. Meals will be provided by the camp staff in the dining hall. At night, boys and girls will stay in separate accommodations. Hot showers will be provided. Throughout the three-day/two-night retreat, the children will be fully supervised by adults in all activities.
The fee for the retreat is $150 per person and will cover lodging for the weekend and meals on Saturday and Lord’s Day (note: no meal on Friday).
The registration deadline is April 21, 2024, to be guaranteed a camp shirt.
Parents and serving ones are encouraged to attend. Please fellowship with the YP serving ones before registering young people helpers. This retreat is a Body matter. The quality of our time at the camp depends on the saints offering their time and efforts. We also need the prayers of the saints to cover the move of the Spirit upon the children for their salvation and regeneration.
May the Lord gain the glory in our young people!
– Mid-Atlantic Gospel Camp Serving Ones